
This ​is the only business book that will give you the advice that the HR team 
only wishes they could. 
Click the link below to check out The Go Codes

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The Go Codes

This is the ultimate primer for anyone who wants to make it in business. It's the only book that will give you real-world advice on everything from 'Sex In The Office' to 'Politics 501.'  The Go Codes is a practical and entertaining 'must-read' for any young, aspiring executive. 


These poems are an intimate introspection of romance, searching,  surrender, 
love, and salvation. 
Click the link below to see more.

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The Mirror
And the Flame

We live in an age where the masters of literature have been veiled in darkness: Von Eschenbach, Milton, Pope, Byron, Shelley, Verlaine - to name a few. This small collection pales next to these luminaries. But in all my fields of endeavor, it has been poetry that has been my closest companion, my confessor, and my catalyst for transformation.


This album will take the listener into a new realm of music where passion, artistry,
 and insight touch your life.
Click on the link below to listen to Double Life.

click to hear music 

Double life

Double ​Life will capture you through its inspired lyrics, harmonic melodies, and rythmic intensity. In this collection of original soft rock songs you'll hear hints of inspiration from Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Crosby Stills & Nash, Roger Waters, Sade, Incubus, and Coldplay.